Numerology Gold 7.4.2

Numerology Gold 7.4.2

 Numerology Gold 7.4.2  |6.42Mb
Plan your near or distant future intelligently with the numerological forecasts of this software. Life, yearly, monthly and even daily forecasts. Study the relationship between you and your present or future partner (compatibility of characters, of cycles, partnership duration, …). Ideal for planning a sentimental or professional meeting! Numerology for Windows gives you a personal interpretation of the 35 components of your full name and date of birth. For future parents, this software will automatically find all the Christian names that go well with a family name from a database of 17.000 Christian names!

Print all the numerological personality analysis and calendars you wish with the printing font of your choice. More than 500 pages of interpretation and the possibility to modify all texts according to your specific requirements!

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