Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th Edition (Portable)

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Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th Edition (Portable) | 15MB
This major new edition of the world famous Concise Oxford English Dictionary provides an authoritative description of the English language. With instant access to over 240,000 words, phrases, and definitions, this program is ideal for anyone needing an up-to-date dictionary of current English on their PC for study, work, or home.
Cross-referencing, backtracking, cutting and pasting sections into your word processing document are just a few of the features you will find in this world-renowned best-selling dictionary.
Containing meanings from street slang to scientific technology, this electronic dictionary will speed up your access to the English language.
Key Features:
- Covers current English from around the world, plus rare, historical, and archaic terms, as well as scientific and technical vocabulary.
- Thousands of brand new words and senses from Oxford's unrivalled new words research.
- Full text and advanced search features.
- Detailed appendices providing useful information on topics such as Prime Ministers and Presidents, the Solar System, and Chemical Elements.
- A 'Guide to Good English' plus hundreds of extra notes offering advice on grammar, punctuation, spelling and word usage.
- Interactive word games providing hours of learning and fun.

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